Aquila Recovery Center
Drug & alcohol treatment programs for the DC Metro area.
The Aquila Model
Aquila Recovery treats drug & alcohol addiction as a medical condition and not a moral failing. We are here to help you find a solid recovery path to walk on.

Our Treatment Programs

Virtual Therapy
Making Therapy Easy From the House

Aquila’s intensive outpatient rehab clinic brings a fresh and evidence-based treatment modality for individuals experiencing alcohol or drug problems in the area of Washington, DC. We improve outcomes by: Reaching people early in difficulty with addicting substances.
Engaging clients in non-confrontational therapies that assist them in writing and following their personal wellness plans. Providing long-term support for restoring life in the family and community.

The Aquila Business Model uniquely embraces the latest science and integrates it with the principles of recovery. Aquila Recovery demonstrates its innovative leadership to bring real options to people seeking recovery from addiction.
CHARLES CURIE, The Currie Group, appointed by President Bush as Administrator of the Substance Use and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Therapy & Care
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Individual Therapy
Integrated Care
Trauma Informed Care
Let us straighten out your path… Fresh starts can happen any day and any moment that you’re ready for them to!
Start your recovery today. Reach out to the knowledgeable addiction specialists at Aquila Recovery by calling or requesting a consultation online today.
↪️For more information, please 👇
↪️CONTACT US 🌐 www.aquilarecovery.com
↪️CALL US ☎️ 202-618-9125
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#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy

Let us straighten out your path… Fresh starts can happen any day and any moment that you’re ready for them to!
Start your recovery today. Reach out to the knowledgeable addiction specialists at Aquila Recovery by calling or requesting a consultation online today.
↪️For more information, please 👇
↪️CONTACT US 🌐 www.aquilarecovery.com
↪️CALL US ☎️ 202-618-9125
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#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy
Start Your Journey With Aquila Recovery In DC
The path of recovery does not have to be walked alone.
Start your recovery today. Reach out to the knowledgeable addiction specialists at Aquila Recovery by calling or requesting a consultation online today.
↪️For more information, please 👇
↪️CONTACT US 🌐 www.aquilarecovery.com
↪️CALL US ☎️ 202-618-9125
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#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy

Start Your Journey With Aquila Recovery In DC
The path of recovery does not have to be walked alone.
Start your recovery today. Reach out to the knowledgeable addiction specialists at Aquila Recovery by calling or requesting a consultation online today.
↪️For more information, please 👇
↪️CONTACT US 🌐 www.aquilarecovery.com
↪️CALL US ☎️ 202-618-9125
✅ Schedule Consultation ✅
#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy
Happy Peach to you and yours! From all of us at Aquila Recovery we wish you a Chag sameach or a happy holiday! Passover is a time of reflection and joy. When we emerge from our cocoon of doubt to fly freely
on the wings of faith #passover #pesach #recovery #holidays #happypassover

Happy Peach to you and yours! From all of us at Aquila Recovery we wish you a Chag sameach or a happy holiday! Passover is a time of reflection and joy. When we emerge from our cocoon of doubt to fly freely
on the wings of faith #passover #pesach #recovery #holidays #happypassover
Start Your Journey With Aquila Recovery In DC
The path of recovery does not have to be walked alone.
Start your recovery today. Reach out to the knowledgeable addiction specialists at Aquila Recovery by calling or requesting a consultation online today.
↪️For more information, please 👇
↪️CONTACT US 🌐 www.aquilarecovery.com
↪️CALL US ☎️ 202-618-9125
✅ Schedule Consultation ✅
#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy

Start Your Journey With Aquila Recovery In DC
The path of recovery does not have to be walked alone.
Start your recovery today. Reach out to the knowledgeable addiction specialists at Aquila Recovery by calling or requesting a consultation online today.
↪️For more information, please 👇
↪️CONTACT US 🌐 www.aquilarecovery.com
↪️CALL US ☎️ 202-618-9125
✅ Schedule Consultation ✅
#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy
During the recovery journey, having a set routine is one of the keys to success. Staying in recovery housing during an intensive outpatient program allows for a routine to be followed with ease, and clients are able to receive all support necessary.
At Aquila Recovery, our housing option available during intensive treatment is offered to those who are in need of a calming environment during their recovery.
↪️For more information, please 👇
↪️CONTACT US 🌐 www.aquilarecovery.com
↪️CALL US ☎️ 202-618-9125
✅ Schedule Consultation ✅
#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy

During the recovery journey, having a set routine is one of the keys to success. Staying in recovery housing during an intensive outpatient program allows for a routine to be followed with ease, and clients are able to receive all support necessary.
At Aquila Recovery, our housing option available during intensive treatment is offered to those who are in need of a calming environment during their recovery.
↪️For more information, please 👇
↪️CONTACT US 🌐 www.aquilarecovery.com
↪️CALL US ☎️ 202-618-9125
✅ Schedule Consultation ✅
#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy
Aquila Recovery Clinic is a Washington D.C.-based addiction treatment center for alcohol and other drugs. Our recovery programs offer an effective range of addiction treatment options that are supported by modern, scientific evidence.
Clients have access to various outpatient choices within the drug and alcohol addiction treatment community.
The three most common choices are as follows👇
A man in an outpatient program with a male therapist
1️⃣Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
2️⃣Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)
3️⃣Standard Outpatient (OP)
↪️For more information, please 👇
↪️CONTACT US 🌐 www.aquilarecovery.com
↪️CALL US ☎️ 202-618-9125
✅ Schedule Consultation ✅
#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy

Aquila Recovery Clinic is a Washington D.C.-based addiction treatment center for alcohol and other drugs. Our recovery programs offer an effective range of addiction treatment options that are supported by modern, scientific evidence.
Clients have access to various outpatient choices within the drug and alcohol addiction treatment community.
The three most common choices are as follows👇
A man in an outpatient program with a male therapist
1️⃣Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
2️⃣Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)
3️⃣Standard Outpatient (OP)
↪️For more information, please 👇
↪️CONTACT US 🌐 www.aquilarecovery.com
↪️CALL US ☎️ 202-618-9125
✅ Schedule Consultation ✅
#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy
We devote intensive education to screening, brief interventions, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) for primary care providers, pastoral counselors, human resource professionals, Employee Assistance Professionals, and others who observe early symptoms.
We also protect the ongoing relationship with a referring physician and practice.
↪️For more information, please 👇
↪️CONTACT US 🌐 www.aquilarecovery.com
↪️CALL US ☎️ 202-618-9125
✅ Schedule Consultation ✅
#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy

We devote intensive education to screening, brief interventions, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) for primary care providers, pastoral counselors, human resource professionals, Employee Assistance Professionals, and others who observe early symptoms.
We also protect the ongoing relationship with a referring physician and practice.
↪️For more information, please 👇
↪️CONTACT US 🌐 www.aquilarecovery.com
↪️CALL US ☎️ 202-618-9125
✅ Schedule Consultation ✅
#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy
“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”
– Carl Bard
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#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”
– Carl Bard
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#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy
↪️Yes. For two important reasons. First, understanding the science of addiction and recovery builds appropriate support for your recovery.
↪️Second, family and close associates of people with addiction illness also develop maladies that need attention.
↪️For more information, please 👇
↪️CONTACT US 🌐 www.aquilarecovery.com
↪️CALL US ☎️ 202-618-9125
✅ Schedule Consultation ✅
#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy

↪️Yes. For two important reasons. First, understanding the science of addiction and recovery builds appropriate support for your recovery.
↪️Second, family and close associates of people with addiction illness also develop maladies that need attention.
↪️For more information, please 👇
↪️CONTACT US 🌐 www.aquilarecovery.com
↪️CALL US ☎️ 202-618-9125
✅ Schedule Consultation ✅
#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy
Wellness planning is an important and continuing process for each individual. Clients are encouraged to develop community networks in education, employment, primary health, recreation, volunteer services, and worship to help foster their change in recovery.
Long-term relationships with community support groups are encouraged, including but not limited to Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and Smart Recovery.
↪️For more information, please 👇
↪️CONTACT US 🌐 www.aquilarecovery.com
↪️CALL US ☎️ 202-618-9125
✅ Schedule Consultation ✅
#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy

Wellness planning is an important and continuing process for each individual. Clients are encouraged to develop community networks in education, employment, primary health, recreation, volunteer services, and worship to help foster their change in recovery.
Long-term relationships with community support groups are encouraged, including but not limited to Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and Smart Recovery.
↪️For more information, please 👇
↪️CONTACT US 🌐 www.aquilarecovery.com
↪️CALL US ☎️ 202-618-9125
✅ Schedule Consultation ✅
#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy
One of the great advantages of outpatient treatment is that people gain tools for change at the same time they face trials or difficulties in everyday life.
Our educational and therapeutic sessions are in the evenings or at other times conducive to maintaining employment.
↪️For more information, please 👇
↪️CONTACT US 🌐 www.aquilarecovery.com
↪️CALL US ☎️ 202-618-9125
✅ Schedule Consultation ✅
#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy

One of the great advantages of outpatient treatment is that people gain tools for change at the same time they face trials or difficulties in everyday life.
Our educational and therapeutic sessions are in the evenings or at other times conducive to maintaining employment.
↪️For more information, please 👇
↪️CONTACT US 🌐 www.aquilarecovery.com
↪️CALL US ☎️ 202-618-9125
✅ Schedule Consultation ✅
#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy
“Your best days are ahead of you. The movie starts when the guy gets sober and puts his life back together; it doesn’t end there.”
– Bucky Sinister
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#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy

“Your best days are ahead of you. The movie starts when the guy gets sober and puts his life back together; it doesn’t end there.”
– Bucky Sinister
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#motivation #mentalhealth #sober #sports #addictionrecovery #strengthandconditioning #love #sportstherapy #soberlife #healthcare #therapy #injuryprevention #rehab #rehabclinic #aquilarecovery #treats #drug #alcohol #medicalcondition #solid #walkon #strength #painrelief #healthylifestyle #movement #health #wellness #pain #family #makingtherapy